Reconnect Again
“Creatively designing joyful life patterns together.”
Harville Hendrix
This 4-hour Reconnect session develops the sense of “connection” between partners, and deepens the relationship space that they exist in. While the focus is not on specific “issues”, through creating a safe space and a structured process, deeper connecting and attuned dialogue become much more effective.
Learning how to co-create the relationship they want, partners reconnect around a vision and values; learn to attune and listen to each other from a place of deep attention; learn to speak each other’s love language; gain insights into each other’s needs for connection; and build relational rituals to maintain a sense of connectedness in everyday life.
The Reconnect session is beneficial for couples who:
- Are feeling disconnected (e.g. periods after the birth of a baby, after periods of busy-ness or separation),
- Want to rekindle their connection (e.g. shifting into new life stages),
- Want to improve and enhance their sense of connection,
- Are in a new relationship and want to build a solid relational foundation.
The Reconnect session is a private session for couples, and allows the time and space needed to co-create & experience a felt sense of connection.
Client Appreciations
“My husband and I found the Re-connect Session invaluable. It helped us identify better ways of communicating with each other and to really hear what the other was saying, in a very positive environment.”
“Wendy was a superb guide through the process and we left with new skills and confidence to strengthen our relationship.”
“The reconnect session was very helpful – it is often the small acts of kindness and communication that can make all the difference and we learned a lot about how to get back to the basics and build a stronger foundation. There are many tips and learnings that we can take forward with us.”
“This was such a beneficial session! We left with our relationship feeling warmer and more connected.”
“Thanks so much for all the knowledge you have instilled in us – we feel so equipped to deal with any challenges that may appear on our journey together.”

Relationship Check-In
Our relationships are expected to be a “holdall” for the load of our busy and often stressful lives, without the proper tending to, and need space and time for care and reconnecting.Think about doing a relationship check-in to prioritise both relationship-care and self-care.

Imago Parenting
This six-week Parenting journey, incorporates Imago Relationship Theory, with insights from latest research in neuroscience. The workshop aims to strengthen the connection between you and your child, develop a deeper understanding of yourself and his/her unique needs.

Communications Essentials
Communication is crucial for determining the quality of the relationships we form with others. In this half-day workshop, we’re going back to the basics, focussing on relational language and the essentials of healthy, constructive and connecting communication.
Complete this form to get more information, or make a booking.
Your journey of reconnection starts here.

Wendy Lawson MSc(Psych) Stell.
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