Connected Parents,
Thriving Kids
“Connection refers to a quality of the ‘between’ in the parent-child relationship which is created by the parents’ empathic attunement to the child’s inner world of thoughts, feelings, and needs, and it is devoid of judgment.”
Harville Hendrix
On the Imago Parenting journey we build insights and skills to strengthen the connection between you and your child. While shifting from reactive to conscious parenting you will develop a deeper understanding of yourself and the unique needs your child. Experiences that were frustrating before can become opportunities for nurturing and deepening your connection.
This six-week programme is based on the best-seller, “Giving the Love that Heals”, by Harville Hendrix, PhD and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD., incorporates Imago Relationship Theory, with insights from latest research in neuroscience.
The programme is suitable for parents of children of all ages, other caretakers, educators, counsellors.
Over the six weekly classes, we learn:
- How to be a more responsive parent, in-tune with what your child needs from you
- How to listen deeply and apply the Imago Dialogue process to practical situations that occur with children
- About the stages of child development & to tailor parenting techniques to each stage
- What your child is trying to say through their “acting out” behaviour, and how best to support children when they are frustrated or having a melt-down
- That much of our emotional reactions are rooted in our own childhood and life experiences, and how these can be triggered by our children, and what we can do in those situations
- How to transform experiences that might have been frustrating to opportunities for connection with your child.
“This is a course that EVERY parent should attend!”
“An excellent way to build knowledgeable parenthood, with great lasting benefits for the whole family.”
“The most powerful way to jump-start parenting enjoyment is to attend the course as a couple.”
“This course has helped to bring peace into our home again.”
“Wendy was so generous with her knowledge and materials shared.”
“I loved the safety created in the group, sharing, excellent facilitation & knowledge, experiential learning.”
“I could immediately apply new knowledge in our family after each session.”
“This course is a MUST for all parents.”
“The sharing with other parents, realising we’re not alone.”
“Loved the balance between theory & practice.”

Reconnect Again
This 4-hour, private Reconnect Again session is designed to develop and foster a sense of connection between partners, and to create a space for connecting and constructive communication. It is not about working on “issues”, but rather working on the “connection”.

Relationship Check-In
Our relationships are expected to be a “holdall” for the load of our busy and often stressful lives, without the proper tending to, and need space and time for care and reconnecting. Think about doing a relationship check-in to prioritise both relationship-care and self-care.

Communications Essentials
Communication is crucial for determining the quality of the relationships we form with others. In this half-day workshop, we’re going back to the basics, focussing on relational language and the essentials of healthy, constructive and connecting communication.
Complete this form to get more information, or make a booking.
Your journey of reconnection starts here.

Wendy Lawson MSc(Psych) Stell.
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